Mendoza, Argentina
“Rooted in our origins”
Viña Cobos makes wines that are authentic expressions of the terroir from which they come. Paul Hobbs, founding partner and winemaker at Viña Cobos, has worked since 1988 in the exploration of the different terroirs of Mendoza, looking for the most distinguished regions in Luján de Cuyo and the Valle de Uco, to produce wines that uniquely express their origins.
With the inaugural vintage of Cobos Malbec in 1999, Viña Cobos marked a milestone in viticulture, defying existing standards and firmly positioned Malbec and Argentina on the international wine scene. Since then, these prestigious wines have been recognized around the globe by critics and consumers alike.
Winery Details
Mendoza, Argentina
Estates and vineyards in Luján de Cuyo and Valle de Uco
Luján de Cuyo — Premier growing region of Mendoza, fed by the snow-melt of the Andes through the Mendoza River. High altitudes range from 945 - 1,100 m (2,624 - 3,608 ft). The soils are alluvial, with a subsoil of clay, sand, silt and rock.
Valle de Uco — Proximity to the Andes Mountains characterizes this cool, high altitude region. Vineyards sites range from 900 - 1,400 m (2,950 - 4,600 ft) in elevation. The soils are alluvial, sandy and rocky, and in some areas, limestone.
malbec, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, chardonnay
Cobos, Viña Cobos Vineyard Designate, Vinculum, Bramare, Cocodrilo, Felino
The Cobos line is the founding inspiration for the Viña Cobos portfolio, representing our pinnacle effort combining passion and expertise. This duo of wines comes from a careful block selection within an estate and are produced only in exceptional vintages.
Cobos Malbec, Mendoza
Volturno, Mendoza
Vineyard Designate
The Viña Cobos Vineyard Designate line reflects Viña Cobos’ intensive study of its Grand Cru estates, and showcases our diverse portfolio of unique and distinctive terroirs.
Zingaretti Estate, Villa Bastías, Valle de Uco
• Chardonnay
• Malbec
Hobbs Estate, Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo
• Malbec
• Cabernet Sauvignon
Chañares Estate, Los Árboles, Valle de Uco
• Malbec
• Cabernet Franc
From the Latin meaning ‘bond,’ Vinculum honors the connection between Viña Cobos and its growers; a blend of top vineyard sites that celebrates our joint work, values, and shared history.
Vinculum Chardonnay, Mendoza
Vinculum Malbec, Mendoza
From the Etruscan ‘to yearn for,’ Bramare symbolizes the first step of our exploration into the premier microsites of Luján de Cuyo and Valle de Uco.
Bramare Malbec, Luján de Cuyo
Bramare Malbec, Valle de Uco
Bramare Cabernet Sauvignon, Luján de Cuyo
A cabernet sauvignon- based blend, Cocodrilo showcases an approachable style that combines elegance and balance.
Cocodrilo Corte
Fresh and vibrant, Felino wines offer lively acidity and smooth, well-balanced tannins.
Felino Chardonnay
Felino Malbec
Felino Cabernet Sauvignon